Monday, February 17, 2014

Post #3

The reading "Three Wishes" was enjoyable and different.  These three folktales are different from any folktale we've readin class or what I've read independently.  After reading these short stories, thinking that i was just another short tale, but after reading thr article I now know it was about Puerto Rician nationality.  In the article it says now in the puertoican culture likes to use Mimas a certain way and how each animal has a different spiritual meaning.  Out of the three stories of the "Three Wishes" I liked the most was the witch one. I personally never believed in witches but I believe I heard of a version on how to get rid of a wicked witch before. It was smart of the husband to foil her human skin with salt and cooking ingredients, if I were him I would have tried to melt her with some boiling water.  The ant storie was a bit confusing to follow, I got that he kept asking and he got another answer to another answer and th final answer he got last was confusing. If his little foot was stuck then how does god king give him the answer of something like when you leave home you will have your foot again. How will he have his little foot if it was stuck the whole time and he was asking for someone to help him get unstuck? But also I found it interesting in how it all lead to god as the answer, shows how most stories and cultures will always relate it to religion.  The one with the boy, the sow and the chicks was funny. Little kids don't know any better I remember how I was younger and I took instructions from my parnts and grandparents too literal, thinking I was doing everything right but in the emd I got yelled t just like the boy. I think it wasn't the nosy fault at all, he's young and he doesn't know any better. Kids have a great imagination so you would have to give a kid literal directions or don't let them in charge of such important task. To me I don't find puertoican stories and folktales any different from th American or Chinese folktales I hear about, they just need an origin to come from. Some stories might have a specific origin from only on culture because of how the culture is. I liked reading the three short stories, some we're confusing but still interesting .

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bernice,

    I don't think I realized the whole thing with the ant till reading your blog, I agree with you it does get a little bit confusing. Also I like what you said about how with many folktales across many cultures, religion and faith are the focal points. Not only with the Ant and Witch but also many others were mentioned in the piece by Hamilton.
