Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Post #5

This article is well written, a lot of research put into this piece of writing.  I feel like it was a lot to take in with all the different authors and writers.  But anyways i liked how the author od this pice focuses a lot on the aspect of oral traditions of myths.  How basically where myths start off from and how different writers found different ways to see the importance of these myths and the oral tradition.  Also what i got from reading this piece was the structure of these myth and how they are catergories as images.  Another important aspect to mythology is all about language, like how Kenneth Burke said it changed over the years.  Burke also touched on the iideas how "verbal acts to be symbolic" and i agree. In myths theres a lot of symbolism, even the characters/ animals you choose have a meaning behind it and the type of animals(mostly are featured in myths and folktales) have a symbolic importance to each story.  This article wasnt my favorite, i felt like there was a lot going on, it was rather long and a lot of authors and writers all thrown into this piece that it was hard to keep up.  However this is a educating piece, i really like the intake of wat each author and writer thought about myths/folktales.  This artiel basically broke down each adn every part that makes up myths and things i didnt even know as that important, like language.  Each country or origin of a myth has a different laungue but how we use the language, and the tone.  Well over all i thought this article was helpful, just too long to read. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    I also felt like the text was very educational, I too learned a lot of interesting facts regarding folklore that I certainly did not know before. However, I also agree that the essay was overly long, and that its complexity defeated its purpose a little bit, as I could not bring myself to finish the entire thing.
