Monday, March 24, 2014

Post # 7

In this article "Graphic Memoirs Come of Age" by William Bradley he talks about how we establish the term "graphic novels." I feel like Bradley had some very interesting points and a bit funny as well.  In the beginning of the article he talks about how comic books later turn into playing cards and how all these authors just want the attention and they will do anything to draw the attention to their work, and if you think about it that is so true. Comic books/ graphic novels start off as a novel then it becomes a television series and then you start to see games based on the story then you start to see dolls and action figures.  I feel like things can't just be a comic book or graphic novel now a days, the industry wants more and they want to make money and by expanding beyond just the story, they will make that money. Bradley also mentions a lot of popular graphic novels, mostly the super hero series, he says how some graphic novels if they were just novels because some aren't illustrated that well and in some cases just a big disappointment.  I feel like either a graphic novel can be done very well or they are just bad.  There arent descriptive words to describe the story line, there are only pictures and illustrations to describe the story line and when you mess that up the whole book just isnt good. Anyways I liked this article although it confused me at time when Bradley mentions all these authors that i never heard of because im not familiar with comic books.

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